Singing Guide: Leonard Cohen

Singing Guide: Leonard Cohen

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Leonard Cohen's Unique Singing Techniques

1. Emulating Leonard Cohen's Vocal Delivery

Leonard Cohen's voice was deep and rich but also had a sense of intimacy and expressiveness that made his songs feel like personal conversations. To learn to sing like Leonard Cohen, here are some tips:

  • Emphasize low-range singing: to sing like Leonard Cohen, you should emphasize the mid to low range of your voice. Take the Vocal Range Test to find out your own range.
  • Sing with an expressive and nuanced approach: Try to sing with a storytelling and emotive approach. This means you should put emphasis on the emotional aspects of the song and the meaning behind the lyrics.
  • Improve your breath control and use of Timber in your voice: Breathing techniques for singing and the correct timber of your voice can improve the quality of your singing. Try out the breathing basics exercises and voice registers exercises provided by Singing Carrots.

2. Songs to Learn to Sing like Leonard Cohen

Choosing the right song is essential when it comes to emulating the style of a specific singer. Here are some Leonard Cohen songs that showcase his unique vocal style:

  • "Hallelujah"
  • "Suzanne"
  • "I'm Your Man"
  • "Dance Me to the End of Love"
  • "Everybody Knows"

3. Singing Tips and Tools

Singing Carrots offers a range of educational tools that can help you build on your singing skills. Here are some resources to get started:

By following the tips above, using Singing Carrots' resources, and practicing regularly, you can learn to sing like Leonard Cohen.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.